Terra X
Zeitreise Heimat
The three-part Terra X documentary series “Zeitreise Heimat” is a fascinating journey through the history of our major cities Berlin, Munich and Hamburg.
ZDF | 3 x 45 minutes
Using elaborate CGI and state-of-the-art VFX technology, the past is brought visually to life with today’s image of the cities. Fundamental questions are explored: How has the cityscape and life changed over the past centuries? What connections do the inhabitants have to their hometown and how did these ties develop? Presenter Mirko Drotschmann meets fascinating personalities and places to discover background information that is both captivating and surprising.
His journey leads Mirko Drotschmann through encounters with local people who convey the special “city feeling”. In Munich, he meets the traditional pretzel rider (“Brezenreiter”) and explores the world of the Isar raftsmen as well as the art of brewing beer and eating veal sausages.

In Berlin, he searches for the best kebab, visits the city’s oldest pub and explores escape tunnels from the GDR era that led 29 people to West Berlin. In the Nordic pearl of Hamburg, he explores the connection between the Reeperbahn and ropemaking, learns how to tie mooring knots and sheds light on the role Hamburg played for the Beatles. Always in focus: the connection between past and present, which he makes tangible through his explorations and encounters.